Hi! I'm
David's professional background has been teaching public speaking to educators, rabbis and community leaders for more than three decades. Many young scholars have graduated from his 1 year course that teaches them skills like media relations and how to be a better leader. He also works with groups visiting Israel to teach communication skills.
David set up and runs an educational non-profit which sees him traveling the world to work with activists and community leaders.
He is also a qualified guide at Yad Vashem, the World Holocaust Remembrance Center, in Jerusalem.
David was born in the UK and moved to Israel in 1982. His hobbies include reading and watching a good movie. David is always up for a friendly chat in any topic. Sports, he admits, is his blind spot.
David breaks his course into 2 one-hour sessions, with tailored options available as well.
Session 1: Explanation of basic objectives of public speaking and how to prepare a presentation to meet your objectives.
Session 2: The learner creates 4, three minute presentations that are recorded and reviewed and critiqued together.
The 40-min Experience
This intro session will
allow you to identify the areas where you want to improve
allow David to give you at least one piece of practical advice that will allow you to immediately start to improve your speaking skills.