Hi! I'm
Shoshana Hayman is a facilitator, consultant and presenter in the developmental - attachment approach to raising children. As Faculty Member of the Neufeld Institute, she published Hold on To Your Kids by Dr. Gordon Neufeld in Hebrew, and directs the translation of Dr. Neufeld's courses in the Hebrew language.
Her previous endeavors include the founding of Life Center in Israel in order to publish books for parents in the Hebrew language. "How to Talk So Kids Will Listen…,” "Siblings Without Rivalry," and "Nighttime Parenting" are some of the titles that Life Center has published for Hebrew speaking parents.
Shoshana entered the field of parent education as a childbirth educator and after moving to Israel, became certified as a parent group facilitator at Bar-Ilan University. Her search for a comprehensive model for understanding human development led her to Dr. Gordon Neufeld. After years of study and an internship with Dr. Neufeld, Shoshana joined the faculty as part of an international team to create a paradigm shift in how children are understood and what they need for optimal development.
Shoshana and her husband have six children and many grandchildren -- her constant source of joy, insight and inspiration.
Malka's session teaches parents how to connect with themselves so they can be the parent they want to be and so they can feel confident and enjoy their time with their children. During this global crisis she encourages parents to focus on play, which is an important part of discipline.
The 40-min Experience
This session will give you first-aid relief and make you feel more relaxed, and finding the power to play.